Welcome to Chess.Tools

Chess.Tools is a free, open-source chess website with a focus on tools for chess players and organizers.


Game Scorecard
Record your games!
Chess.Tools has a way to record your OTB chess games! Simply head on over to the new game page and start playing moves! Save them to your profile once you're done.
Link Your Platforms
Link Chess.com, Lichess, even US Chess and FIDE!
Chess.Tools lets you link all your accounts across chess websites and federations. With Chess websites, you can import your games and view them here. For federations, link your tournament games and view your rating history!
Open Source
Contribute to the code, or help by reporting issues!
Chess.Tools is fully open source. Allowing you to be able to help improve the development of the site! If you find a bug, or have a feature request, please head on to Chew/ChessTools on GitHub.
Completely Free
No ads, no paid plans.
Chess.Tools is completely free. We rely on donations to keep the site running. If you would like to donate, head on over to Chew's sponsors page and feel free to donate there!